Happy New Year - kind of!
Hi everyone, Ash here!
September has arrived and for many it's viewed as the second New Year. This is usually because it's the beginning of the academic year so, for many of us, it still brings with it the sense of starting something new. Perhaps that feeling of the first day back at school never really goes away!
The media and many businesses have used this as a real opportunity to sell to us like they do in January - subtly (although not always!) telling us we aren't enough as we are and that we need to be stronger, prettier, more popular, more informed and in control of every aspect of our lives. We wanted to share a reminder that, just as at any other time of the year, you are enough and you're doing great. Sure, it's lovely to set some intentions that can give you something to focus on or aim for but, just as we always say at the beginning of every year, set these goals with kindness and a realistic expectation that intentions are often the start of a long journey. There are no 'quick fixes' so treat every intention/goal/resolution with the respect that it, and you, deserve and always remember that it's okay to change your mind if what you set out to achieve isn't quite working out how you had hoped or isn't what you thought it would be. Circumstances change. We change. Intentions change.
Talking of intentions, how are my January goals going? Those of you who have been with us for a while may remember that I set myself the intention to begin learning Spanish. So far I've practised Spanish every day of the year on the Duolingo app but I have to be honest and say that the past month I've only been doing the absolute minimum to keep my 'streak' going. While I know 'streaks' aren't for everyone, it helps me to stay focused and do a little every day. However, I recognise that I'm just going through the motions (and that's ok for now!) so my intention this month is to do a little more than the 5 minutes each morning that I'm currently doing. I'll let you know how I get on when Sam and I share our 2021 reflections in December!
I also set myself the challenge of reading at least one book each month. I've always been a keen reader but in 2020 I was averaging a book every 2/3 months. So far this year I've read 11 books and it's definitely helped my mental health by keeping me away from social media and too much TV. My favourite book was actually the one I recently finished called Home Going by Yaa Gyasi. I highly recommend it and thank Sarah-Jayne (who's a SMASH member) for passing it on to me! What's been your favourite read of the year? Or, if books aren't your thing, what's been your favourite TV show, movie or podcast?
A new intention of mine for the rest of the year is to slow down. I'm always going at 100 mph but the past month I've really enjoyed taking time to rest, breathe and be more mindful with time. I know I'll always be someone who is often on-the-go but I'm definitely scheduling more down time and more time away (hopefully in the sun!). Do you have a new intention for the rest of the year? Whatever your goals may be (and you don't have to have any!) remember that we call them intentions as this feels kinder, more human and with less pressure. Intentions to do things that help us feel better should not cause us stress or anxiety so if your intention isn't working out, that's okay. Choose if, and when, you want to start again and do it with a big smile on your face.
You are more than your intentions.
You are human.
You are a wonderful person and if you need reassurance of that, message a good friend today and ask what they like most about you. I bet the response makes you smile!
Here's to an amazing rest of the year!