Rewriting our intentions...
Hello lovely SMASH crew!
Sam here with the last email of July! Already!
Now that more than half of the year is over and, in the UK, the majority of Covid restrictions have eased there is a tentative step into what 'normality' might look like, so I thought it would be a good time to reflect a little on the last 7 months and look forward at the next 5.
At the beginning of the year we challenged you to set some intentions for this year. Of course there will have been certain intentions that will have been dependent on what we are and are not allowed to do mid pandemic! Maybe now is a great time to remind ourselves of what those intentions were and see where we are at with them.
For me, my main intention was to get outside for at least 10 minutes a day. It is something that I can easily talk myself out of on days where I am busy or tired, but it is an intention that is so good for my mental health and so easy to do! On reflection I have definitely gotten better at taking myself for short walks, even if its just to the supermarket and back!
As part of my January intention setting I added a 'clause' into this example that allowed me some flexibility. If I don't get out of the house on one day, I must make the effort to ensure I do get out the following day. I would say that the majority of the time, I have achieved this.
My goal of daily walks is not a finite thing. It is a habit that I wish to keep up through the years. Other intentions that you may have set may have had a deadline, for example moving house, finishing an assignment, changing jobs... Lets reflect on how far we have come with intentions like these. Have you come any closer to where you had planned to be? If not, reflect on what obstacles got in your way. Is now the time to re-frame or re-write that particular goal? Is it that we need a little more time and can set new deadlines for ourselves?
Reflection is such an important part of setting intentions. Looking back at the last few months I'd like you to think of some of the positives that you have experienced, the things that you are particularly thankful for and the people that have been there for you. It can also be powerful to reflect on the negative experiences. Find the lessons that you have learned from them and then let them go. Leave as much of these in the first half of the year, and allow the new and positive experiences to come to you.
Intentions can be set any time of year! Maybe, on reflection of January to July your priorities have changed. Maybe knowing how our countries are dealing with the 'post-lockdown' phase of the pandemic we are a little clearer of what we can get out of the last few months of the year.
For me, and I say this every time I see my physio... I am going to do my physio recommended exercises more regularly.
Be as specific as you can be: I will do the exercises a minimum of 3 times a week (this gives me room to do them more if I can)
More specific? Are there any deadlines?: I will do them before teaching my regular classes (this gives me a cue to remind me to do them)
What could happen if I don't do my intention? I am at more risk of injury and I'm likely to have to visit my physio more often. (but please note... the world will not end)
What might happen if I do achieve my intention? I am likely to feel stronger and be more flexible, I'm less likely to be injured and I'll save money and time getting to my physio.
What obstacles might get in my way and how can I minimise them? My own mind/laziness, time restraints, tired body. I can minimise by trying to create the habit, even if just for 5 minutes at a time. If my body is tired I can just do the stretching parts rather than the weight bearing parts of the routine.
The most important reminder when setting intentions and goals is that if you do not achieve them, the world will not end and it will not make you a bad person in any way! Find the lesson in the experience and if appropriate, let it go!
Enjoy the rest of your July, and happy reflecting!
Sam and Ash
(She/Her and He/Him)