Joining an online SMASH class

Any training regime carries with it potential risks and we would like to make sure you are as safe as possible. Training online is very different from training in person and so we have put together a list of things to consider.

  • Our classes aim to strengthen your mental health as much as physical. There is never any pressure or expectations from us, we want to encourage you to always listen to your body and do what you can. We want you to find the joy in what your body can do rather than focusing on what you feel like you should do.

  • As we mention in every class we have 3 main suggestions to have the best workout.

    • Rest whenever you need to - this is so important, especially if you are increasing how often you are exercising.

    • Change a move if you don’t know how to do it, don’t understand our explanation or if you prefer to do a different move - it is difficult for us to check technique for each individual, so always work with what feels right for your body

    • If in doubt, dance it out! Our favourite rule! Dancing is such a fun way to move your body and we encourage you to do as much of it as you can, even if that means throughout a whole class!!

  • If you do have any injuries or illnesses, or if you are pregnant, please let us know in advance so that we can give you suggestions for how to adapt your workout. We have participants with different abilities and limitations so want to make sure you have the best workout that you can have.

  • Cameras on or off? We would prefer for you to have your camera on - mostly because it brings us so much joy! It also means that for certain exercises we may be able to spot check technique if necessary. However we completely understand if you prefer not to be seen!

    We also have some technique videos here.

  • Take a risk assessment of your space. We would ask you to check around your area to ensure that there is nothing that may trip you up during the workout. If you are on a hard surface do you need a mat or extra towel to reduce the risk of slips? The SMASH team are always happy to do a Zoom risk-assessment with you.

    • Remember that most of our homes are not designed like a gym - most studios have a slight softness to their floors to help absorb impact. Bring awareness to how you land when doing any jumping moves making sure you always land with soft knees.

  • New to exercise? Great! Thank you for trying us out - as mentioned above, when you increase how much you exercise there are many potential benefits but also potential risks. If you are unsure we would always recommend speaking with your GP.

  • Never done yoga? We would suggest that you have a look on YouTube for a beginners yoga to get an idea of some of the main moves. Again, any questions, feel free to ask We have some additional Yoga FAQ’s here.

  • Do I need special equipment? For the SMASH classes we sometimes use weights or resistance bands (giving options for both) but you can use tin cans or just clenched fists. A mat is handy, especially if you are attending the yoga class. Also useful for yoga are some blocks and a strap but a couple of books and a belt are just as useful!

  • Anybody who has attended any of our classes know that we focus on fun, functional training and variety. We will never tell you to log calories burned or to use heavier and heavier weights. We add an aspect of mindfulness to each class so that you leave every class feeling stronger in body and mind.

If you do have any concerns joining any of our classes please do not hesitate to ask!


Joining an in-person SMASH class