SMASH by Sam and Ashley

Happy Saturday!

Firstly, thank you so much for attending our first ever SMASH class yesterday! We hope you enjoyed it and like the idea of the concept - a mash up of all your favourite classes and exercises with a little focus on improving mental health too. Remember that no two SMASH classes will be the same so come along on Monday at 12:15pm for something different! We guarantee you will work hard and will leave with a smile on your face :)

Your challenge for today


Think of one thing you are grateful for today. This could be very simple such as 'the weekend' or 'my coffee' or it could be a bit more personal such as 'my amazing partner' or 'my friend who is always there for me'. It really doesn't matter, whatever comes to mind straight away is the right answer, don't think too much about it. Just go with it :)

So, in your head, say right now - 'I am grateful for…….'

Trust us on this, it may seem silly or pointless at first but practising daily gratitude has been proven to improve mental wellbeing - and it is so simple to do and takes less than 10 seconds!

Have an amazing Saturday and we will be in touch tomorrow! If you have any questions please feel free to hit reply and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Sam and Ashley


For Body * For Mind * For Life


SMASH Sunday :)