Seasons Changing...
Uncategorized Sam Tank Uncategorized Sam Tank

Seasons Changing...

Next Tuesday is the "official" beginning of Autumn - not that you could tell by the current heatwave! Today in the midst of my packing I found an email which I wrote about the changing of seasons three years ago after I'd moved into the previous flat!

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Uh Oh...
Uncategorized Ashley Boorman Uncategorized Ashley Boorman

Uh Oh...

On Monday evening it was my turn to teach SMASH online. I was ready at 6:15pm, the music was playing and Beanie (my gorgeous cat!) was upstaging me as usual! I let the song finish and began the introduction, still holding Beanie because she was enjoying being held like a baby!

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Time Flies...
Uncategorized Sam Tank Uncategorized Sam Tank

Time Flies...

Sam here hoping you are all well this sunny (at time of writing) August day. Can you believe it's already August?! They say time flies when you are having fun, though in the grand scheme of things 2020 may not been as fun a year as we had expected it to be.

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Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body


As many of you will know, we are huge fans of the Calm app and use it daily to practise our meditation. Recently, a wonderful meditation focused on the nature of impermanence and we wanted to share the words that the narrator Tamara Levitt wrote and spoke at the end...

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Together, but apart...
Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body

Together, but apart...

As you know, as lockdown has started to ease, both myself and Ash have been training clients outside, both personal training as well as small group training. I am a big fan of people watching and it has given me a lot of joy to see so many people training outside. Together, but apart.

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Stop. Breathe. Reset.
Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body

Stop. Breathe. Reset.

As we have mentioned before, we are sharing some of our previous emails with the community (there are 3 years worth now!). It's really insightful to re-read the emails and reflect on how we were feeling back then.

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Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body

Embrace. Empower. Educate.

Today, Mermaids has evolved into one of the UK’s leading LGBTQ+ charities, empowering thousands of people with its secure online communities, local community groups, helpline services, web resources, events and residential weekends.

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Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body

Strength Through Unity

UK Black Pride is a safe space to celebrate diverse sexualities, gender identities, cultures, gender expressions and backgrounds and we foster, represent and celebrate Black LGBTQ and QTIPOC culture through education, the arts, cultural events and advocacy.

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Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body

Long Lost Friends...

I wanted to share an email we sent to the community way back in September 2017! I've lived in London for almost 18 years now, and I consider it my home, but in this email I touch on my relationship with the county I was raised in, and left when I was 19

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Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body

Give yourself care

Lockdown has been a crazy time for all of us, yet I was still really surprised with the levels of anxiety I've felt within myself. Pre-lockdown, the speculation of "what happens next?" was really overwhelming. The decision to 'hide out' in Wales with two of my best friends was an easy one to make, but there was an internal battle as to when was the right time to go.

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