Watch this space...
Hi everyone, Ash here!
Before I share a SMASH email from two years ago, don't forget that Wednesday's 1pm class is a SMASHED Greatest Hits special - expect some Britney, Greatest Showman, Tina, Hairspray and more!
Happy Pride - July 7th 2018
Happy PRIDE!
Today's positive affirmation - I am grateful
I am grateful that, aged 17, I was able to be honest with my family and tell them I am gay. Each of my 3 brothers accepted me for who I am as I guess to them I was still just their brother - the sensitive one who did well at school and loved animals and was obsessed with The Spice Girls! I was different to them - but also the same... because we were family.
I am grateful that I have an amazing leading lady in my life who was the first person in my family I came out to. My Mum has not had the easiest of lives but she is the most caring and loving person I know. She raised me to be accepting of everyone, to care for people who need it most and to always be true to yourself. She has always been my biggest supporter and I have always been hers.
I am grateful that I am fortunate enough to live in a country that is progressive and accepting and allowed me to marry the man I love - Simon.
I am grateful that my sexuality has not prevented me from being promoted at work or ever been used to question whether I was suitable for a job.
I am grateful that I am able to walk down the street without fear of violence for being true to myself.
I know that I am very fortunate to be grateful for all of the above as many gay people all over the world (and still here in the UK) are not so blessed. I have experienced homophobic abuse in the past and let's not forget that even in the USA in 2016 there was the awful Florida nightclub shooting where homosexuals were the target. We have come so far... but there is still much to be done!
Some people have questioned whether Pride is still necessary because of all the advancements in gay rights over the years... With over 70 countries in the world where it is still illegal to be gay (and 11 of them having the death penalty as a means of punishment!) I say it absolutely IS still necessary! Gay people all over the globe look to countries like ours to set the example and make the moves to help shift attitudes and change the world. If one oppressed gay person is able to access the internet and see how happy our society is for allowing all people to be true to themselves, it's worth it!
So today I hope you are able to join in the celebrations in one way or another! Whether you go to a Pride event or not, take a moment to wish everyone, no matter their sexual orientation, a Happy Pride! After all, we have much to celebrate... and be grateful for.
Since this email I have become much better at practising daily gratitude, and I consistently express gratitude for having the freedom and liberty to live my happiest and most fulfilling life. I know that many people in this country and around the world, who are just like me, are not able to. I make a commitment now that I am going to do more to help. I am going to continue to educate myself on Black history, on how I can be a better ally. I am going to reach out to Trans organisations and people and do my best to understand more, and to discover how my passion for wellbeing may help them. I will know more about the people who fought for the rights and privileges I enjoy today - people like Matthew Hodson who will be our guest speaker at SMASHcamp on Saturday.
I promise to do more, to know more, to stand more.
Watch this space...
Sam and Ash