Confidence, growth and strength...

Hey all, 

Sam here with your mid-heatwave reminder to DRINK WATER!!! I hope you are all looking after yourself and listening to your body - remember our SMASH class rules if any of our exercises are too much while it is so hot... 1. Adapt to a different exercise, 2. Take a rest, or 3, Dance it out!

This weekend I'll be going up North for a few days holiday around my birthday and as is tradition over the last 3 years, we shall be celebrating SMASH style with a workout! This is where rule number 3 will apply even more. 

On Monday 17th join us at the regular time of 6.15pm for a virtual Zoom party where we will workout, sweat and dance to some classic party tracks along with some Sam favourites. Zoom links will be sent as usual on Saturday - everybody and anybody welcome... I may have also convinced my Mum to join (it will be her first ever SMASH class!)

This week I met with Ash for a pre-birthday lunch and he asked me what I have learnt since my last birthday... What a big question! I feel like I have learnt so much over this past year. For a start, lockdown has made many of us evaluate how we go about our everyday lives. I have been listening to a lot more podcasts which has definitely caused me to reflect and grow much more.

I think my main lesson has been about my energy and how I choose to spend it. I have spent time with people who tend to drain my energy, with people (or a particular person) who manipulated me into wasting a lot of my energy and I have also been privileged enough to spend a lot of time with people that boost my energy, making me feel motivated and excited about my day!

I have learnt that I am not superwoman (who knew?!) - where usually I have been very good at managing my anxieties, the Covid crisis has shown me that I can still get overwhelmed and in turn, find it much harder to manage what would usually be "small" worries. I have realised just how much anxiety disrupts my body, giving me muscle spasms and random pains which has led me to being much more cautious and sensible with my workouts. Over the last few weeks this "new" knowledge has also allowed me to realise that although I enjoy being around people, I also really need my own space. 

Since my last birthday, lockdown happened. Pre-lockdown the SMASH team had been planning to make some major changes which were to include leaving Fitness First as PT's and to have more of an online presence. The pandemic forced us to be strong and make those huge decisions in a much shorter amount of time and so much for the better! I feel so much prouder of us as a community, so much more confident in who we are and what we are about, and so much more excited about our future opportunities. 

So, despite a couple of hiccups, my 36th year on this planet can be summed up in these three words... Confidence, growth and strength

What would your three words be?

Enjoy the rest of your week and I shall see you all on Monday!

Sam and Ash


A promise from us...


Time Flies...