Happy Pride!

Hello everyone - Ashley here!

Sam has been busy today being a beautiful bridesmaid for an old friend

I have just arrived home from my amazing holiday and during the flight I spent some time considering all the great things I have to be grateful for... 

On this special day when London celebrates Pride, it reminds me of the fact I have been incredibly lucky since 'coming out' when I was 17. I am grateful to have had a supportive family and loving friends who 'allowed' me to be who I was, even though it was the year 2000 and I am from a small town in the West Midlands where not much happens and attitudes were a bit different back then, yes even then! To be who I was from an early age is a right everyone should have but on this day we remind ourselves that this isn't always the case, especially in many other countries around the world.

Today more than ever I am grateful for all the people and experiences that helped shape the person I have become, and to live in a country that celebrates the person I am 

What are you grateful for?

Have an amazing Saturday evening, filled with pride for all that you are and have achieved :)

Sam and Ash


For Body * For Mind * For Life


SMASH - what are you thankful for?


Mindfulness by Sam