Successful Saturday

Morning guys,

We are sending this out super early as we taking part in the Pride 10k run in Victoria Park this morning! Wish us luck and look out on Instagram for our times.

The weekend is always a great opportunity to do a little review on how successful your week has been. What worked well for you? Was there anything that tested you in any way that you had to work extra hard at to overcome? Did you achieve your fitness goals? 

Remember that being successful also means evaluating all aspect of your successes and challenges and using these points to grow, and get stronger. No matter the outcome of your week thus far, you are successful and have much to be proud of!

Don't forget that we can also use our success to remind ourselves of what we have to be grateful for. Success is rarely achieved completely on our own so is there anyone you are especially grateful for this week? Could you take a moment to let them know?...

Have a happy weekend and we will see you on Monday at 12:15pm for SMASH :)

Sam and Ashley


For Body * For Mind * For Life


SMASH Affirmations


I am successful