From the bottom of our heart...

Good morning from the road! We are currently on the way to Worcester for our run - (Ash 10k, Sam half marathon) We've both been a little ill this week leading up to the race but we are using our affirmations and living for now - no matter our times tomorrow we know we are strong, we are successful and we are in control!


This week has seen the launch of our evening SMASH HIIT class, as well as SMASH spin so we just wanted to take a moment to send you guys a massive THANK YOU! It's thanks to you guys, the smash community, that we have been able to grow and become well-established on the time table. Whether you have been to one SMASH class, or 15, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!


We are really grateful for you guys, what are you grateful for this weekend?


Sam & Ashley


For Body  For Mind  For Life




There is only now, only this...