The best that you can be...

Morning all


The last day of September is here and so our focus of No Day But Today comes to an end. We will always continue to talk about this as it is very much what SMASH is about - living in the present moment - so expect to still hear this affirmation frequently, but as we move in to October our focus will turn to something else and we will be revisiting Gratitude. 


Back to today though...


What can you do today to ensure your Saturday is exactly what you need it to be? Do you need to rest? Exercise? Catch up with family or friends? Surprise your partner with dinner or a day out? Meditate?


The list of ideas could probably be a long one so why not take a moment and make a note of 3 things you could do today that will benefit you. By focusing on one or two ideas you will be much more likely to commit to them. And if it is rest that you need, commit to that too. Ultimately, whatever it is your body and mind need today, commit to doing it with all that you have.


We are running the Cardiff half marathon tomorrow (Ashley's first one!). Rain and wind is predicted but we will commit to doing our best and will use our affirmations throughout to remind us of what we are capable of. We are strong and successful, we can and we will give it 100%. After all, there is No Day But bethe best that you can be 


Have an amazing weekend!


Sam & Ashley


For Body  For Mind  For Lif




Todays struggle is tomorrows strength