Mindful Food
Good afternoon, Sam here, I hope you are all well and have had a great week practicing your gratitude!
We have been having some amazing feedback from you guys and have been so impressed with your efforts! Hearing your stories about how being thankful has helped you in various situations this week, reaffirms for us that what we are aiming to do with SMASH is worth it! So for that, we ourselves are thankful.
This weekend I have a chance to finally do some food prep; something I've not been able to do for a while, forcing me to get the more expensive option of cafe lunches and pret baguettes. Pre-prepping food, for me, is so important as it means I can control what goes into my meals... a healthy variety of veg, flavours and nutrition as well taking my dad's age old advice for the number 1, most important ingredient... "love and affection"!
Cooking mindfully as much as eating mindfully makes for a much more enjoyable experience. Eating "healthily" the majority of the time and enjoying the occasional treat is so important as long as you fully enjoy every bite...
This is why today I also plan to bake a cake for my housemates, because what better way of showing gratitude than with home-baked treats?!!
Be thankful for your body and treat it with respect... giving it what it need - whether that means a 45 minute SMASH class followed by a healthy lunch; a strong coffee and a 30 minute run or even if it means a good rest and a little bit of chocolate!
Today's task is to think of three things you are grateful for when it comes to your own training and fitness; be it good running shoes; having overcome injury or having an motivational training buddy.
We look forward to seeing you all in SMASH next week! Have a great weekend
P.S. we are looking into using a MailChimp account in order to send our emails a little more easily... hopefully your Wednesday email will come from there, just please check your spam folder if you haven't received our email and do let us know if it's un-readable!
Sam & Ashley