Positive mind

Hello everyone, Ashley here!


This week has been an amazing week for my mind  I meditated for longer at the weekend (30 minutes each morning and 10 minutes before bed) and I can really feel the benefits so far this week! I also discovered that I seem to meditate better when I switch off the music choices on the Calm app (something I have been meaning to do as my fiance Simon often meditates by listening to the spoken word and silence). Maybe it worked better for me because it felt different, so I could find that I go back to music in the future or mix up my meditation sessions, but either way it taught me that I shouldn't be afraid to mix it up (I am a sucker for routine!).


Both SMASH classes on Monday were great and filled with so much energy - thanks to everyone who showed up and took part! The determination from all of you to complete the circuit and squat jump that last high bench was further proof of what you are capable of when you put your mind to it  Hopefully you all felt like you achieved something during Monday's sessions - in body, but also in mind! We hear it often but the power of the mind is an incredible thing and it is up to us to train it to make us stronger. In both classes every single one of you hit a personal best at some point and this was achieved through determination, belief and an attitude of 'I can do this... and I will do this'.


What in your life can you apply the same principle to? We understand and appreciate that life is a journey filled with highs and lows but how many times do you say "I can't", when some of the time you can? If at some point today you doubt yourself for any reason, imagine winning and remind yourself you are strongsuccessfuland in control. Give it your best shot and always start with a positive mind, you may be surprised at what the outcome is...


Have an amazing rest of the week!


Sam & Ashley


P.S. What 3 things are you grateful for today?....




For Body  For Mind  For Life

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