Day 3 - Make yourself avaliable

Good morning SMASH crew and welcome to day 3 of our 7 days of kindness challenge. Sam here! 

  Make time for someone 

 How often do we make ourselves available for someone that may be in need of a chat? Today, why don't you take some time, be it 5 minutes or an hour to catch up with somebody and allow them to open up if they need to. 

 Having been a listening volunteer with the Samaritans I know how important having a listening ear can be. To some it is a way to offload their niggles from their day and for others it is a lifeline. Maybe you have a friend or colleague who is always "fine" when asked "how are you" - offering that little extra time to explore what "fine" entails could make all the difference.

 Make a brew, call that friend, make yourself available...

 Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can't pick us up, they lie down and listen for a while.

 Have an wonderful Wednesday - and if anybody needs that listening ear the SMASH team are always here 

 Sam & Ashley




Day 4 - Be kind to yourself...


Day 2 - Reconnect