Day 5 - Be kind to a stranger...
Happy Friday!!
Welcome to Day 5 of our 7 Days of Kindness challenge
Be kind to a stranger
You can do this in many ways but here are some ideas -
- When buying your coffee or tea why not pay for another so the next person gets it for free.
- If you receive great service, tell the person!
- Leave a pound in a vending machine, we all know this feels great when you go to buy something and someone left their change!
- Buy lunch for a homeless person, or just take the time to ask how they are.
- Finished your book or magazine? Leave it on the tube or bus for someone. Even better, leave a note telling them you hope they enjoy the book and have a great day!
- Tell someone how amazing their shoes, jacket or bag is! Compliments make people feel good (we learnt that on Day 1)!
There are so many things you could do to make a stranger smile, will you take a couple of minutes to take yourself out of your comfort circle and rise to the challenge? Performing a kind deed for a stranger, even if you can't see the reaction or get a response, will lift your day! And you know what they say - what goes around, comes around Kindness begins, and ends, with us
Have the BEST Friday!!
Sam and Ash
P.S. If you have any other kindness examples, please let us know so we can use them in future emails! We love to hear what you have been up to!