Be present...
Hi guys!
Hope your Wednesday is a good one
As we continue with our mindfulness focus for the month, we wanted to show how the benefits of mindfulness meditation can be observed in other areas of your life. We hear every day how we need to 'live in the moment' and 'enjoy the present' but what does this really mean?
When talking with a friend are you really 'listening'?
When eating food are you really 'tasting'?
When walking to work are you really 'observing'?
Life can become one long routine where we repeat the same things every day, and that is sometimes ok! We understand that ultimately we all have to go to work, walk the dog, cook dinner - life can't always be one big adventure! But by being mindful of the present and really investing in whatever you are doing right nowyou can find that even the most mundane of tasks can bring some sort of satisfaction.
Take a moment now to stop reading and look around? What do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel? Do you need to sit straighter? Drink more water? Take a minute to clear the mind?
Whatever you do today, try to be present. It is when we are present that we are normally at our happiest and most productive
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Sam and Ash
P.S. Anyone notice on Monday evening that one of us didn't have our SMASH top on? If so, congrats on being fully present in the moment....