The Time is NOW
Hey all!
Welcome to May and our new focus -
The Time is NOW
Throughout the month we will be looking in more detail at what this means and exploring various aspects of it, such as -
Work and Procrastination: We are all guilty of putting things off that can be done in a few minutes, or perhaps putting off a bigger task that should be started sooner rather than later. Do we lack focus when it comes to planning our day, week or year?
Life experiences: Maybe fear is holding us back from doing something? Stepping out of our comfort zone once in a while (or a few times in a while) could get us there.
Relationships: Maybe we have people in our lives that are affecting our well-being, either for good or bad. Is it time to encourage those people to be in our lives more, or to cut our ties with them for good?
Challenging yourself: Physically or mentally, challenges help us to get stronger and fitter in body AND mind and we should be encouraged to challenge ourselves regularly - no matter how big or small the challenge may be! This is rather a big challenge but this week the ballot is open for the 2019 London Marathon! Team SMASH have both entered so, although statistically the chances are slim that we'll get in, why not take the chance and ENTER NOW!! - Alternatively Sam and one of our SMASH regulars Reka have entered the Loch Ness Marathon in September!! If you fancy a road trip to Scotland later in the year why not join us (10k option also available!).
The main reason we keep our SMASH classes different every time is to help PUSH yourself out of your comfort zone. We ENCOURAGE you to try new things and hopefully MOTIVATE you to become the best version of yourself. This month we will continue to do that and truly embrace our focus... the time is now!
As we announced yesterday SMASH Discovery will return Saturday 12th May at 9am! We will explore and discover our monthly focus in more detail during our 30 minute workshop, which follows a fun 45 minute workout and 10 minute meditation. Let us know if you would like to be added to the booking list to start your weekend the best way possible! Remember that the workshop is relaxed, informative and friendly and our aim is for you to leave a Discovery session feeling empowered to make improvements to your mental health and wellbeing
Have a great end to your week!
Sam and Ash
P.S. There is no SMASH class on Monday due to the Bank Holiday but we are both going to do a run on Sunday morning if any of you would like to join us! We are not sure on distance but we plan to meet at 11am at Fitness First Angel and explore some new running routes, with no pressure to stay together if you want to run ahead or go at a slower pace. The weather is looking promising so if you fancy it, see you at 11am on Sunday!
P.P.S. SMASH is on as usual on Friday with a 10 minute meditation afterwards