​One decision can change your life.

Good morning all, Sam typing today looking at our focus The Time Is Now.

As you probably have gathered over previous emails, I’ve gone through a few things and have had to make a number of life changing decisions over the years (as many of us do) – today I wanted to share with you the (shortened version) story of how I became a personal trainer. 

After giving up alcohol 9 years ago I was still overweight – peaking at a size 20 I started going to the gym – something that pushed me way out of my comfort zone. Soon enough I became part of the gym crew and after making adjustments to my diet I dropped to a size 8.

Although it was an awesome achievement, during this time I was also unhappy in my relationship and being in control of my diet and exercise was my way to escape how I was feeling – although it was ot as terrible as alcohol addiction, when I look back it was a little bit too muc and had become an obsession.

A year or so later, once I ended my relationship, I moved in with my amazing friends and gained some “happy pounds” as I like to call them, starting to feel happier in my life. However, the group of close friends that I had built had started to break up and one by one they were moving on and I was starting to suffer with “left behind” syndrome.

During this period of change I was training for my first marathon, another distraction from overthinking. It was after that marathon that I suddenly felt empty. Suddenly I had a sense of feeling lost and wasn’t sure what my life was all about. I wasn’t “unhappy” but I had no fixed abode, no boyfriend, a job that was “just a job” and many of my friends had either left town or were planning to…

So, with the help of a friend I had a major realisation – the time was right – I had to leave! I had savings, no ties and some thinking to do so I made some life changing decisions. I quit my job, I temporarily moved in with my granddad and the next thing I knew I’d booked flights to Nepal!! 

I travelled for a year in total and it was during that time that I re-connected with my purpose from many years ago of helping people. Getting random co-travellers to join me in my workouts made me wonder if I could make it as a personal trainer… 

couple of weeks before returning home I was already booked on to my Personal Training course and had arranged to stay with family in London. Upon my return I got a job here in Fitness First as a receptionist whilst studying, applying for the fitness consultant position when it came up 6 months later. Another 6 months later I combined paid work with personal training teaching more and more classes and finally in January 2017 I became a self employed PT full time! After co-creating SMASH last year I know it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made

Pushing out of my comfort zone and taking a risk that could so easily have backfired shows that putting your heart and soul into something you are passionate about can lead to great successes. You don't have to travel for a year to take that chance. Maybe it's as big as finally changing your job, or booking that holiday, re-connecting with someone or picking up that book you have been ignoring...



One decision can change your life. The Time Is Now. Do something today tha your future self will thank you for.




Have an amazing day!

Sam and Ashley


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