A life without friends...
Hey guys! Happy August
You may have noticed the SMASH team were missing from Friday lunchtime SMASH... It just so happens that both of us were called to important friendship duties... Sam being a bridesmaid to two of her best friends and Ash driving to Germany with one of his!
This is why today's email is about friendship...
Making friends is amazing Throughout life we forge bonds with many people and some of these people become amazing friends, with some friendships lasting a lifetime! Despite the changes that inevitably occur as we get older, for most of us we have a few good friends who are there no matter what. Friendships mature, but through thick and thin, those that matter the most normally last the distance.
Many of us find that we have a few different friendship "circles"... the group from childhood, the group from uni, from work, from the gym...
We may have the friend that cheers us up without getting overly emotional, the friend to rely on if you need a hug or shoulder to lean on, the friend you always laugh with until your cheeks hurt, the friend that seems to always be in a crisis... maybe a friend that is all of these things!! Friends help us to be better people and are usually the ones to tell us the truth, whether we want to hear it or not! A life without friends would not be much of a life at all which is why it's so important to cherish the friends you have and be mindful of what they bring to your life. We invite you to start your week by doing something for a close friend who means the world to you. It could be a thank you note, a bunch of flowers, a phone call. Anything to make them smile and remind them how lucky you are to have them...and vice versa!
One thing we have noticed recently, in particular in SMASH outdoors this week, was how the SMASH community were naturally bonding and chatting as we were walking to the park. A reason we sometimes split you into groups for some of our lunchtime classes is to get you to work with people you may not usually workout with, this helps develop good mental health but also puts you in a situation where you could make new friends or just feel more comfortable around the people you train with. Seeing you guys get to know each other over this last year has made us smile and we know some lasting friendships have been made
The SMASH team certainly class many of you as friends now and we are grateful to have you in our lives
Have an amazing week! If there is a friend you haven't spoken to in a while, you know what to do...
Sam and Ash