Remain Focused

Hey all, Sam here wishing you a happy weekend!

As Ash mentioned in the last email we wanted to update you on how our buzz words have helped us this year. For me I needed much more FOCUS in my life. I (like many people) am a great procrastinator! Most of the time I will put the task I am least looking forward to at the bottom of my pile. I need to do my accounts and suddenly I find its time to clean the bathroom… I start doing research for an assignment and suddenly I realise I have to put all of my vinyl collection in alphabetical order, or in order of genre, or date order!

I had been putting steps into place to help me focus and step one is recognising that procrastination is one of my traits. As I’ve mentioned previously I like to write my schedule for the next day each evening – making sure I schedule specific admin tasks into the gaps between clients or classes. Since January I have also been keeping a diary section for each of my clients in order to log their workouts ensuring I can keep track of what weights they may be using; what type of training we did in their previous session and to help me pre-plan a session when they have particular requests.

Towards the beginning of the year I signed up for the Loch Ness Marathon… which is happening NEXT SUNDAY!!! This has made my training significantly more focused! I created a running schedule based on 3 different programmes I had found, giving myself the option for 3 or 4 running sessions per week – 3 being the minimum and the 4th being a bonus session if I felt that my body needed it. Needless to say with 4 or 5 spin classes a week plus SMASH and GRIT, I’ve been sensible and stuck with the 3 runs! Once this marathon is over I plan to really FOCUS my training on strength and HIIT training for the couple of months before my marathon training re-starts for April!

This week the website for my Open University course became available – it doesn’t technically start for another couple of weeks, but as soon as I logged on and looked at my pre-study introductions & activities, I suddenly felt over-whelmed with a sense of dread! It is my final chance to finish the degree I have been working towards for many years and I know that “procrastinating-Sam” is going to try to take over! My plan to tackle this final year of study is to really listen to the focused version of myself. I have made a study schedule similar to that of my running schedule. I WILL set time aside to study without distractions and I WILL NOT panic if my brain is tired… I can just go away and come back to it after a breather…

We do have so many SMASH events coming soon and my FOCUS is needed to ensure we can get everything we want into place by the end of the year. You guys make it all worthwhile and we cant thank you enough for your ongoing support!

Enjoy your weekend and you’ll be hearing from Ash next week 

Sam & Ash

P.S. Access our previous emails from the last year HERE!


Balance is the Key to Everything...


The 2nd New Year