That's why they call it the present...

Hi everyone!

It's December which means the month of giving presents to those we care about has officially started! Today's email is about gifts...

'Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift.

That's why they call it the present'

Lot's of people have used this quote so we are not entirely sure where it originated, but we like it!

How often do you find yourself fantasising about the future or reminiscing about the past? We have covered this topic before, and will do again, because it's important to understand why mindfulness practise is more than a daily meditation. Mindfulness is all about living in the present moment. Sure, we have to plan for the future and learn from the past but time spent doing either of those should be minimal and the majority of our precious minutes should be centred on how we are living life right now.

Trust us when we say that learning to embrace each day, and accepting everything that comes with it, really does help you learn to love life. Most of our days can feel like we are 'going through the motions' but we bet that if you look back on your week so far you can find many things that will make you smile. From the cute dog you saw on the street to the kind person who held the door for you at the cafe, when you pay attention to your surroundings and are mindful of everything happening around you, you can enjoy the gift that living in the moment gives you - awareness. The more aware you are of your present moment, the more transformed you can feel 

Talking of gifts...

Struggling to find the perfect Christmas present for your partner, friend, colleague or family members? We have the best gift you could give - the gift of strength inbody and mind! You can purchase a SMASH gift pack that includes two personal training sessions and access to one Discovery or SMASHcamp session - for £50! The package is valued at over £100 so it's a big saving but, most importantly, you are giving the gift of health, strength and happiness and that has to be one of the best gifts of all! The gift will come in voucher form and will be packaged so you can give it as a present  If you are interested in this and want to know more, please let us know! And remember, sometimes the best gifts are the gifts we give ourselves... 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sam and Ash


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Don't Overthink it...