Hi everyone 🤗
Trust that everything will be okay.
Trust your instinct, it's normally always right.
Trust that you are loved by many.
Trust that you can't change someone entirely. You can help influence, but you can never force change.
Trust that people want you to do well.
To succeed,
To be happy.
Trust the opinions of those who are closest to you.
Trust that to be truly happy, you need to love yourself fiercely.
Trust that you look fantastic.
Trust that mistakes make you stronger... and you can't avoid them.
Trust that everything comes to an end eventually. Good, bad and everything in-between.
Trust your energy and allow it be an energy that attracts like minded people.
Trust joy.
Trust sadness.
Trust heartbreak.
Trust love.
Trust the freedom you have to strive for anything you desire.
Trust patience.
Trust in letting go.
Trust the beginner's mind.
Trust non-striving.
Trust acceptance.
Trust non-judgement.
Trust mindfulness.
Trust that "We take care of the future best by taking care of the present now"- Jon Kabat-Zinn.
We hope you have enjoyed our emails over the past 7 weeks. If you would like to know more about the 7 Pillars of Mindfulness, there are many books by Jon Kabat-Zinn and lots of information online. Don't forget, we also have our 21/7 class where the whole class is based on the 7 Pillars of Mindfulness!
Which pillar got you thinking the most? Let us know...
Have a wonderful day!
Sam and Ash