"What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"
Hi everyone, Ash here
It's finally 2021 and we have so much to look forward to this year, we promise! We know that feeling of positivity may not resonate right now, which is why it's even more important that we feed our mind with positive thoughts of what could happen in 2021...
With this in mind I had a look at some of our previous emails and wanted to share one from January 2018 where I review what happened in one of the best years of my life - 2017. Just like every year it had its ups and downs, but here I focus on the highlights - including how SMASH was created! I would never have known at the beginning of that year that it was to become such an important one in my life, so always keep in mind that joy, excitement and happiness is yours for the taking.
Reflecting on this email from two years ago has reminded me of just how far I have come and fills me with so much hope of what we as a SMASH community will achieve in the next two!
Let's go back in time to January 2018...
The year started with me taking myself out of my comfort zone. Prior to 2017 I had always wanted to teach classes but had never felt comfortable enough to do so. Having worked in the fitness industry for 11 years as a manager I was concerned about what members would think if I suddenly started teaching classes. What if they were rubbish? What if people didn't come? These type of doubts raced through my mind whenever I had considered it over the years but then, at some point towards the end of 2016, I did my daily meditation on the Calm app and it ended with a well known quote by Erin Hanson...
"What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"
This resonated and in January of this year we launched a brand new Fitness First class - Shred. This was a perfect opportunity to teach something brand new where no one had anything they could compare it to. With the help of my health and fitness manager at the time, we launched it together and Shred has became one of the most successful classes on the timetable! The confidence I gained from this lead to me utilising my Spin qualification I had received 18 months prior (and never used!) and in May I taught my first spin class - I was so nervous, but loved it! Since then I have also taught at other clubs and have not been afraid to use my own personal taste in music to spin to - POP! In prior years I would have been embarrassed to use a lot of the music in my playlists but I had learnt that you attract like minded people by being yourself and staying true to what you like and enjoy! This has stayed with me all year and I will be taking that into 2018 - don't try to please others by being something you are not. Attract your own tribe.
In January I started training for the Vitality 10k race in May that I really didn't want to do - I hated running! With Sam's help I completed my first race in May and ended up doing my first half marathon in October! My comfort zone had told me I wasn't a runner, but the race results, and the enjoyment I eventually started feeling, told me otherwise...
Sam and I grew closer as the year went on and in the summer we launched SMASH, our unique class that not only gives you the physical workout but also focuses on mental health as well. We have been so passionate about this class and have had such great feedback that we are both so grateful for. A website is coming and we will be taking the SMASH brand to the outside world, delivering our message of training your mind as much as your body - For Body, For Mind, For Life. SMASH has inspired me so much and, when I reflect on what we have achieved in just 6 months, I know we are going to have an amazing 2018 It was also yet further proof that amazing people continue to come in to your life - Sam not only inspires me but has also become one of my best friends. People come and go, but you always know who will stick around for the long ride and I am very grateful for the amazing best friends I have.
My final reflection is obviously marrying Simon! The 5th December was the most incredible day of my life and when I reflect on that day, and all the love and support we received from so many people, it makes me smile and feel gratitude like I have never felt before - I am very lucky to have him.
2017 was the best year of my life and I truly believe it all started from taking that one small step out of the comfort circle I loved so much. Taking these steps are not always easy - teaching a class was a step I had been thinking about for years - but one small step leads to another, which helps you learn and grow and know what, and who, matters to you most. We are all on our own journey but I encourage you with all of my heart to take that step. Mistakes/downfalls/bad times (call them what you want!) are always a real risk and are bound to happen at some point. Sam and I have experienced many of those in the past but mindfulness has taught us that, although life will throw some punches at you, it will give you as many, if not more, High 5's...
What have you got to lose? The most important thing is that you tried. Sometimes you will fall. Sometimes you will fly.
I promise to fly higher than ever before.
A lot has changed since I wrote that email in January 2018 but the motivation behind it remains the same. I'm taking that promise of flying higher than ever before into 2021. What promise can you make to yourself? It can be whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy...
Have a wonderful day, you've got this!
Sam and Ash
(She/Her and He/Him)