Inspired and Empowered
Welcome to NOVEMBER, a new month filled with lots of opportunity to get stronger in body and mind.
When we were in Spain in June laying the foundations to SMASH, we listed everything we wanted the class to feel like. Amongst introducing mindfulness and mental well-being within a great physical workout, and building a community through class attendance and our weekly emails, we really wanted to create a sense of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. We have been doing this through our mindfulness exercises, as well as keeping each class a surprise, as you never know what SMASH class you will get! Lots of you have now done things in SMASH you had never done before and this is all part of the journey of getting stronger...
With this in mind we introduce you to November’s focus…
No Limits
Throughout November we will be sharing some tips on how you can overcome barriers, stretch your comfort zone and also have an understanding of your own limits and how you can make them work for you. We hope that in the lead up to the end of the year you will feel inspired and empowered to truly bring November's focus to life
Have a great end to your week and we hope to see many of you over the next few classes!
Sam and Ash
P.S. The 1st is always a great opportunity to review the month before. What made you happy that you can do more of? What do you need to change? What habits need forming or breaking? Write them down and make at least one commitment to yourself. We always have the SMASH focus each month but we encourage you to also have your own. Grab five minutes and focus on yourself, what better time than now?...
For Body For Mind For Life