Learn and Grow and Develop...

Hi everyone!


Ashley here :)


Yesterday we had a hard SMASH workout based on a pyramid style training routine, which we made especially hard to show how we are pushing our limits every week during each SMASH class! Sam and I can really see the difference with many of you, the grit and determination to be strong and successful is so visible and we thrive on that energy - well done


At the beginning of this year I was presented with the opportunity to gain a qualification in personal training. After 11 years in the fitness industry I had gained many qualifications, including level 2 fitness instruction and spin instruction, but I had never attempted my level 3 personal training because, if I am being completely honest, I feel like I don't have the patience for studying...  I knew I had to break down some barriers and understand that I was silly to pass on such a great opportunity to learn and grow and develop. I had a gut feeling that gaining my personal training qualification would ignite a new passion within the industry I had worked in for so long and, as soon as I started studying, I re-discovered why I love working in the health and fitness sector so much! My friendship with Sam was blossoming, both professionally and personally, and our combined passion and experience inspired us to take a holiday to Spain in June to work on an idea for a brand new fitness class...


Over the years I have had the opportunity several times to take up the offer of gaining my level 3 personal training qualification, but I have always said to myself that 'I know my limits, I have no patience for studying at this age'... Truth be told, I probably still don't have the patience for studying (but Mindfulness has helped considerably!) but this month I finish the course and will be a qualified personal trainer! Proof that sometimes you have to trust that pushing past your limits can surprise and benefit you for the better - even if you aren't 100% sure why you are doing it!


No Limits - what challenge can you set yourself? What change can you make to push your limits, even if only slightly?


Look out for the email on Wednesday as we will be confirming all the details for the 10k run next year. I am sure all the runners will be with us but for all you non runners out there (basically me this time last year!), can you consider pushing past your limits? Join us...


Have a smashing weekend 


Sam & Ashley


For Body  For Mind  For Life


Are you comfortable?!


Inspired and Empowered