'OK days'...

Hi everyone!


We hope you have had a great bank holiday weekend? And if it wasn't great then we hope it was at least OK? In this technology charged world, where we are bombarded with happy faces on social media, it can look like everyone is having the best time - every day of the year! Lets be honest though, most of the time all of us are having an 'OK day', and that's absolutely fine because if every day was exciting and creative and energetic we would be exhausted! We need those 'OK days' so that we can be mentally prepared for the 'down days', as will inevitably happen at times. We also need those 'OK days' so that we can warm up for the days that take our breath away - those days we wish we could experience all over again because they were amazing in every way a perfect day can be.  'OK days' are pretty amazing for strengthening our mental health so make the most of every single one that comes your way 


We have some news... SMASH Discovery is returning!! For those of you who are not familiar with SMASH Discovery, here is what you can expect....


- A 45 minute SMASH class - as always, this will be a surprise!

- A 10 minute mindfulness meditation from our friends at the Calm app.

- A 30 minute Discovery session that is designed to inspire ways to build a stronger, healthier mind. These sessions are relaxed, informative and participation is not obligatory - just being present and listening will be enough! Our goal with every Discovery session is that you leave feeling empowered to make change, in any way you need to, to improve your mental health and wellbeing.


SAVE THE DATES! Here are the dates of SMASH Discovery for the rest of the year...


Saturday 15th September 9am

Saturday 13th October 9am AND 2pm (our first ever afternoon Discovery session!)

Saturday 17th November 9am

Saturday 8th December 9am


The cost is £10 per person and is open to non members - everyone is welcome! Also, if you book for three sessions you only pay £20 so will be getting one Discovery session for free! 


Please email back to confirm your space on any of the dates and times above and also inform us if you would like to take advantage of the Discovery '3 sessions for the price of 2' offer. Payment is made when you arrive to your first session.


MORE EXCITING NEWS! We will be launching the first ever 'SMASH - The Ultimate Challenge!' class on Saturday 3rd November! This will be our most challenging class yet, 80 minutes of bootcamp style training - SMASH style! Still suitable for all levels, it will test you to the limit and will be designed so that everyone can smash it together - no one gets left behind and everyone will feel like they have had one of their hardest workouts ever, even those who are more advanced! We will start the class with a mindful workout so that we are primed mentally to give it EVERYTHING we have - are you up for the ultimate challenge?... If the answer is yes, reply back to confirm your spot! The cost will be £10 per person and is also open to non members - who will you bring to take on the challenge with you? Great news, you can also include SMASH - The Ultimate Challenge as one of your '3 for the price of 2' sessions - just please inform us when you reply if you wish to do this.


If you have any questions about Discovery or The Ultimate Challenge then please email us, or ask us in club or via Instagram @smashlondon - whatever is easiest for you! 


We have lots more exciting news to share over the coming weeks - SMASH is growing and you are part of it! We invite you to continue this journey with us and head in to the rest of the year stronger, fitter and more mindful than ever before. 


Make those 'OK days' count ...because there's a whole lot of happiness coming your way 


Keep being awesome!


Sam and Ash


Pass it on...


You are an inspiration...