Hugs all round...

Happy New Year everyone!

And..... breathe! It can feel quite overwhelming after all the fun and festivities of Christmas, so much so that it can sometimes feel like we haven't taken a deep breath in weeks! So, before we continue with our first email of 2020, take a moment now to close your eyes and take 4 long breaths (breathing in for a count of 4 seconds, holding for 2-4 seconds and exhaling for up to 8 seconds). Feel better? It's amazing how just a minute of focused breathing can reset the mind and calm an anxious heart - there is your first tip of 2020 from Team SMASH!

How was your Christmas and New Year? From those we have spoken to, or followed on social media, we know there has been a mixture of wonderful moments for some of our community, with others experiencing a challenging December. If you did find the holidays particularly difficult for any reason, know that we are sending a hug to you now. Feel it and know that you can reach out to us at any time if you need to talk about anything. For those of you who had the best time, we are sending hugs to you, too! Did you know that studies have shown that hugs help to reduce anxiety, stress and blood pressure, as well as promote feelings of self worth and happiness? Let's make 2020 the year we give out more hugs! Deal? 

What is 2020 going to look like for you? In the true spirit of mindfulness, we don't want to promote the message that you must have goals/intentions and spend forever thinking about the future and what you want to have achieved by the time 2021 (or 2030 if you are considering this new decade as a goal) arrives. Do note though that, when approached kindly and respectfully, it can be good for mental health to have a goal or intention to keep you focused, particularly at this time of year when mood can be lower. If you don't have anything in mind, that's okay. You don't have to set goals or intentions to be happier, and you don't have to know right now what you want these to be - you can make this decision at any time this year. However, if you do have a goal or intention in mind, and would like some guidance as to how you can make this happen, we are able to help! We will be offering goal setting one-to-one sessions (for just £20) that will include some writing and thinking about your goals and intentions, sending them to Team SMASH for us to look at and then a 30-minute session with us (in person or via video call) to discuss how you can smash it! Our mission is to ensure that everyone in our community has the best foundations to manage the highs and lows of any year when it comes to achieving our goals. In one of this week's Daily Calm sessions on the Calm app we heard the narrator say that instead of thinking about what you want to fix, think about what you want to create and we loved that! So, with that in mind, what (if anything) do you want to create? Email back or DM us for more information on the intention setting sessions 

Looking to include more SMASH London sessions in to your well-being workouts this year? Well, great news for those of you who love SMASHcamp and Discovery as we have 4 sessions that you can attend in January! More details will follow in an email on Monday but check the website if you want to know more now! Our first SMASHcamp will take place Saturday 11th January at 9am at Fitness First Angel 

As we move through 2020 there will be challenges, of that we can be sure. There will also be good times, great times, dreams to chase and hugs to give and receive! Know that you are always in control, even if it doesn't always feel like it. And more than anything, be kind to yourself for you are wonderful, loved, beautiful and cherished.

We wish you a Happy New Year and hope that 2020 is filled with good physical and mental health, strength and happiness 

Cheers to you... and hugs all round!

Sam and Ash


Leaving toxicity behind...


Happiness, Freedom and Love!