By your side...

Hello everyone 

Before anything else... you are strong, you are loved, you are beautiful 

And... breathe.

We know that many of us are experiencing high anxiety levels at the moment with this strange situation we find ourselves in. It's uncomfortable and scary when we don't know what is coming. We are a species that thrives on order and procedure so it's only natural that our stress and anxiety levels will increase tenfold when our habits and structure are changed so quickly. We are also a species that needs to be around people so it's only right that the majority of us will feel the loneliness and stress that can arise when self isolation hits. Please be patient with yourself and offer as much self-care and love as possible. Your feelings are valid.

How can we help?

We have tried our best to be as prepared as possible and have created our first online training videoswhich are on our YouTube channel now! Please could we ask that you watch, take part, comment, subscribe and share with as many people as possible. This will help us greatly and will give them an opportunity to hear the SMASH message of building strength in body and mind. 

We have so much more coming your way next week! 

Live classes!

More online videos - including mental health workouts!

More emails!

We are doing everything we can to keep SMASH London in business and will continue to create as much free content as we can. However, if you are in a financially stable position, and can afford to donate a small amount to our Go Fund Me page, it would be much appreciated. We are both self-employed Personal Trainers and Wellbeing Coaches so have a lot of uncertainty around our job. We are going to give it everything we can to ensure SMASH London is able to continue helping as many people as possible improve and strengthen their well-being. Whatever you can afford will increase our chances of us being able to do that. It doesn't come easy for either of us to ask for money, but this particular time in history calls for support and love. Remember though, you can also support us in other ways by talking about as and sharing our content to as many people as possible!

Go Fund Me - support SMASH London!

We will send the next email on Sunday or Monday with a more detailed plan as to what to expect from SMASH London in the coming weeks. Until then, look after yourself. This is a journey we won't forget for a long time, just know that we are by your side whenever you need us 

Sam and Ash


Home Workouts...


A 14 step guide to feel less isolated