What can I lose today that will mean I win tomorrow?
Hi everyone, Ash here
Today I've been inspired to speak with you about the power of Letting Go.
Sam and I have recently been working with companies offering well-being workshops, and November's workshop is all about managing stress. One of our top tips when it comes to managing stress is Letting Go - one of the 7 pillars of mindfulness by leading mindfulness professor Jon Kabat-Zinn. A common reason we allow stress to increase is our struggle to let things go. We hold on to pain, allow negative thoughts to linger far longer than we should and feel like we should always be ahead in the 'game of life'. It's no wonder we can sometimes feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders - especially in 2020.
So, how can letting go help? When we consciously and proactively choose to let go of what we can't control we become much more mindful and present. When we are present we usually find that we can think more clearly and are able to distinguish between worry that is beneficial for us and the anxiety that can cause long term mental health problems. When we choose to let go we are deciding to bring more calm and understanding into our lives. It isn't always easy but, with this in mind, what do you need to let go of?
Over the past 18 months I've made a conscious effort to let go of the need to be perfect. I don't think it will ever go completely as it's part of my personality, but I am much better than I used to be! Through speaking more kindly to myself, practising gratitude and positive affirmations and recognising that doing my best, whatever that looks like today, is always enough, I have felt much happier and content. I have seen my anxiety levels drop as I focus less on the future and more on the here and now. Letting go of perfectionism helped me considerably, what could you let go of?
We can always look to nature for examples of letting go. Right now the trees are a beautiful mix of golden yellows and maple reds as they prepare to finish their journey in spectacular fashion. There is no pain in letting go as the leaves fall to the ground, the tree knowing that this is exactly how it should be. Through letting go the tree prepares for Winter, and then regrowth in Spring, and it's a wonder to witness. My challenge to you when you are out in the open is to look up and admire the gorgeous colours of Autumn and, in particular, the beauty of leaves letting go. When you do this, I encourage you to ask yourself - what can I lose today that will mean I win tomorrow?
Have a wonderful day and keep smiling that gorgeous smile of yours
Sam and Ash