Only Human...
Uncategorized Ashley Boorman Uncategorized Ashley Boorman

Only Human...

I'm putting it out there, I'm experiencing symptoms of Burnout. My muscles have ached every day the past two weeks (and not the usual ache from training) and my skin sometimes feels numb. My memory hasn't been as good as normal and it's been impossible to 'switch off' on my rest days.

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Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body Uncategorized SMASH Mind and Body


It's Thursday evening and I'm tired, irritable and all the typos in this email are making my head want to explode  (they'll be fixed when it's sent but as I'm writing this, every other word is broken!) Quite honestly, I have been so busy this week that I'm a little bit frazzled - just like Sam said she was last week.

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