Only Human...

Hi everyone, Ash here 🌈

Wow, what a few months for SMASH London. I'm so grateful for the incredible opportunities that have come our way, the amazing support from our community and the solid foundations we have created! From our work with Cancer Research UK and the growth in our corporate partnerships to the creation of SMASH 18 (The Burn), 19 (Lucky Dip) and soon to be 20, life has been pretty AMAZING!

But.... I'm putting it out there, I'm experiencing symptoms of Burnout. My muscles have ached every day the past two weeks (and not the usual ache from training) and my skin sometimes feels numb. My memory hasn't been as good as normal and it's been impossible to 'switch off' on my rest days. Thankfully (and I honestly think this is due to my mindfulness practise) I've recognised these symptoms as Burnout and know I need to make some changes over the next few weeks to keep my physical and mental well-being healthy and happy. I'm starting with lots of rest this weekend and a break from social media. I'll be doing lots of reading, catching up on my favourite shows and spending time with my family 🤗

When I put this out on Instagram on Friday I had a fleeting thought of "what if this makes me sound weak?". Thankfully, common sense prevailed - I know that prioritising your well-being is the most powerful and strongest thing you can do. I also know that the more honest Sam and I are with our own well-being, the more our awesome community trust us and relate. After all, we're only human...

Have you experienced Burnout? Is this something you are going through right now? Maybe someone important to you is showing signs of Burnout and you want to help? It's so important to recognise this as soon as possible so, in next week's Discovery session (Saturday 20th July), we will be covering this very topic and will share some ideas as to how you can beat Burnout sooner, rather than later. The session begins at 9am with a 45-minute workout and then finishes with a relaxed 45-minute well-being workshop. The cost is £10 per person or £5 for your first Discovery session! Non members are also welcome so email back if you wish to attend 😊

It's okay to say you're tired and need to slow down, even when life is amazing and you want to keep riding that wave! This may mean that you have to say no to some things you would usually say yes to - it will be worth it in the long term, I promise. Prioritise your well-being and you will be happier and stronger in the future. Be mindful, be present and do what's needed today to make tomorrow brighter 💙

See you soon!


Wear Sunscreen...


Be Proud of who you are...