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SMASH is growing...

Today's email is a short and sweet one filled with information for future SMASH projects in 2019! As we have spoken about recently, SMASH is growing and 2019 is set to be the biggest year yet with lots of exciting things coming your way

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Don't Overthink it...

I wrote this email in my head a week ago while I was at a gig by myself (The Prodigy – probably one of the best live music experiences I have ever been to!!). Being there “alone” amongst maybe 10,000 other people got me reflecting on comfort zones and how we can push ourselves, but often don’t... 

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A Leap of Faith....

"It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap" - Defying Gravity, Wicked - The Musical (trust me to use the lyrics from a musical to make a BIG announcement about my future 🙈) .

Here's the thing guys, last week I made a huge decision...

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Kindness Nourishes your Mind...

This is one of our favourite sayings and is something we have used many times before. We had a big focus on kindness earlier on in the year, we even had a week of kindness where we focused on a different act of kindness each day. Kindness can be shown and expressed in many different ways and, most importantly, it can be the reason that someone smiles on a bad day.

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The power of THREE...

As we approach the end of the year we tend to reflect on the year so far and begin to consider what the next year may have in store for us. As the party season approaches, sometimes our healthier, more mindful habits are replaced with the thoughts that "I'll start again in the new year".

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We often get caught up in the chaos of life that sometimes we forget to take a moment and be gentle with ourselves, and this was very apparent to me on Wednesday when I arrived at London's first silent cafe on Wednesday night...

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Making change happen...

Wow, what a week! To honour mental health awareness day on Wednesday we asked you to share your experience with mental health and wellbeing and the response was incredible! We had so many people stop us in the gym, or reach out on social media, and say how reading the emails had been inspiring and helpful.

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You’ve got nothing to lose

Here is our final story for now by SMASH regular Sophie. We have such a wide variety of faiths and beliefs through our community and so we found this interesting to see mindfulness from a slightly different perspective. Sophie is more than happy for anybody to contact her if you want to find out more (just message us and we will put you in contact)

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On the days you feel you can talk even if it’s just a sentence do it

Good morning and happy Thursday. Today we will be sending out some more of your Mental Health emails. We are so touched and honoured with the responses we have had - because SMASH is just as much about you guys as it is about us! You know our stories well... but now lets read one of the inspiring stories from our SMASH community:

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Health anxiety...

Here is Alex's story. She has said she is happy to chat with anyone who feels they are experiencing similar feelings so if you would like to reach out with her, please email back to SMASH and we will put you in touch...

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It's ok, not to be ok...
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It's ok, not to be ok...

This week we have been sharing our mental health experiences and asking for yours... we have been positively overwhelmed by the response and felt that summarising them would be an injustice to you guys who have been so open and brave to share your stories. For this reason we have decided to send the responses over several emails, for the next 3 days. We hope you will take the time to read these stories as some are extremely personal and brave.

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