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Be Outrageous...

This week we have used the word 'outrageous' a lot - in a good way! When we were at the amazing wedding reception of SMASH London regulars Jules and Mark, we saw a lovely little quote on their wedding card. It's from Matilda by Roald Dahl and said -

"Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it.

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This week has been a bit of a rollercoaster of moods for me. I've been up and down like a jack-in-the-box, between feeling absolutely amazing, to really tired and unmotivated. The latter has taken some getting used to because the past few months have been filled with so much excitement and change,

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If any of you saw our Instagram post on Friday you'll know that it was International Calm Day on the 5th April, promoted by the mindfulness app Calm. We have both been using the Calm app for 3 years and, without it, SMASH London wouldn't be what it is today!

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Mindful Minute...

From our chats with some of you this week it seems like many of us are feeling the 'pressure', for one reason or another. Maybe it's the moon, maybe it's because its coming up to the end of the financial year, maybe you have a holiday coming up so need to get things done! Maybe you have no idea what it is but can sense a feeling of overwhelm or anxiety....

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The next stage...

It's March and for the SMASH London team it's always been the month in which the next chapter of SMASH truly begins - ideas are flowing and excitement is rising! With new management there will always be changes but we are ready to adapt, change and continue to give you guys the best SMASH experience that we can

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Blank Pages...

As most of you know, this week was my final week as manager at Fitness First Angel! Thursday was my last day and the Daily Calm (on the Calm app) was all about the stories we tell ourselves in our minds - some that limit us, some that promote us.

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Life imitates box jumps...

I hope your week has been a good one. If it's been a bit stressful make sure you offer yourself some extra self-love this weekend and know that next week has the potential to be amazing!

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Inspired and motivated...

Tomorrow, we (along with a couple of the SMASH crew and a few of the Fitness First Angel trainers) will be running the Olympic Park Half Marathon! – For all except Ash and I, it will be their first half marathon! (Even though Reka has done a full marathon!).

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It's Thursday evening and I'm tired, irritable and all the typos in this email are making my head want to explode  (they'll be fixed when it's sent but as I'm writing this, every other word is broken!) Quite honestly, I have been so busy this week that I'm a little bit frazzled - just like Sam said she was last week.

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Full of positivity...
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Full of positivity...

Today I have that feeling that I am on my way to accomplishing something. You know that feeling? Things are going well and I’m getting done what needs to be done. I am busy but I am content. I have a tight schedule but I am managing it.

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Belief and Strength...

We wanted to wait for few weeks until we talked about buzzwords for 2019, as this would mean that you could offer yourself some time to settle and really think about what 2019 will look like for you...

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January can be a very intense time for some people - it seems everybody is highly motivated to achieve something spactacular! People have set resolutions which can mean they are suffering withdrawals from their favourite things like alcohol, chocolate and nicotine etc.... making some of them a little more 'on edge' than usual. All of this positive energy can also turn into a bit of a 'stressy' vibe which can be passed from person to person. 

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What day is it?...

Christmas is over and we are in to that strange week where you aren't quite sure what the date or day is... or even if we are in 2019 yet! It's often a week that can cause dramatic mood shifts, irritability and deep reflective thoughts. We can get stuck in memories of the past year or fantasies of what the coming year will look like

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Grateful smiles...

We are so very thankful for each and every one of you for all of the joy, happiness and success you have brought to the SMASH community in 2018 and we hope that the festive season brings all the laughter, love and strength that you deserve. And if, right now, your circumstances dictate that the coming days could be tinged with sadness, chaos or loneliness, please be patient and take time to offer loving kindness to yourself.

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