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7 Pillars of Mindfulness

Did you know that our class 21/7 was created around the 7 Pillars of Mindfulness? When we sat down to create class number 17 we wanted something that really encompassed mindfulness. Something that included even more mindfulness awareness than our other classes (we already had lots of affirmations, gratitude, mindful minute).

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The one and only...

I fell in love with you aged 5 when I'd get excited in the backseat of the car, looking for the huge cat on the high street! Who knew that I'd grow to love you even more than I did back then?

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The courage to leap...

Most of the time Sam and I have a good idea as to what we want to write about each week, but this week I wasn't sure...Then I had a discussion with a lovely personal training client of mine about decision making and, the next day the Daily Calm on the Calm app was titled Indecision, so I decided the Universe was telling me something!

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Your SMASH London Team need YOU!

August is here and we are both working hard on ideas for the next chapter of SMASH London. It's really important to reflect on recent success, and not to get caught up in always wanting more that you forget to celebrate, so we want to share that success with you!

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Wear Sunscreen...

The summer holidays have started and it looks like some great weather is coming our way next week 😎

Have you ever trained outdoors? When it comes to our fitness training we often choose to train indoors because it's more convenient (especially in the UK).

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Only Human...
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Only Human...

I'm putting it out there, I'm experiencing symptoms of Burnout. My muscles have ached every day the past two weeks (and not the usual ache from training) and my skin sometimes feels numb. My memory hasn't been as good as normal and it's been impossible to 'switch off' on my rest days.

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Be Proud of who you are...

Pride in London is a celebration of love and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people, as well as serving as a reminder that there are still changes needed for full acceptance. We are lucky as a country to be able to express who we are and have the freedom to be ourselves, but there are still so many countries where this is not the case.

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Shine Night Walk...

We are proud to announce that SMASH London was chosen by Cancer Research UK to design the training programmes for their Shine Night Walks taking place in a few months

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28 Day Challenge....

Wow, what a month so far! We've both been incredibly busy with work commitments. Our PT business is going from strength to strength, SMASH London classes are getting busier and busier and we are now working on ideas for SMASH class number 20 to celebrate 2 years of SMASH London!

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All you need is positivity...

I was asked by someone a couple of weeks ago what made me such a big fan of the Spice Girls and it got me thinking. Was it their amazing pop songs that will get me dancing no matter where I am (I'm pretty certain I was 'dancing' on the tube this week on the way to work while listening to my spin playlist 😆)?

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June is an exciting month for the SMASH London team as we will be celebrating our TWO year anniversary!! We have a lot of exciting things happening and plenty of ideas flowing at the moment, which we are looking forward to sharing with you all very soon... including news about class number 20

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Body Image and the Media
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Body Image and the Media

As most of you know I have been working hard these last few weeks to finish my final assignment for my degree with the Open University! This year in particular has been about contemporary issues in sport and exercise and has helped me really get critical over what we see in the media, how we may be unknowingly brainwashed from a young age and how to find good scientific studies in order to make up our own mind about a subject.

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Enjoy Every Bite...

Hey SMASH crew, Sam here with my body image journey for Mental Health Awareness Week…

I’d always been classed as a "big" girl. As a teenager I was a size 14, which seemed massive at the time, especially in comparison to my schoolmate

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Be body Kind...
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Be body Kind...

I wanted to share my own journey with body image and what it means to me, as well as why a healthy relationship with body image is so important for our mental well-being. Here goes...

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