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June is an exciting month for the SMASH London team as we will be celebrating our TWO year anniversary!! We have a lot of exciting things happening and plenty of ideas flowing at the moment, which we are looking forward to sharing with you all very soon... including news about class number 20

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Body Image and the Media
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Body Image and the Media

As most of you know I have been working hard these last few weeks to finish my final assignment for my degree with the Open University! This year in particular has been about contemporary issues in sport and exercise and has helped me really get critical over what we see in the media, how we may be unknowingly brainwashed from a young age and how to find good scientific studies in order to make up our own mind about a subject.

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Enjoy Every Bite...

Hey SMASH crew, Sam here with my body image journey for Mental Health Awareness Week…

I’d always been classed as a "big" girl. As a teenager I was a size 14, which seemed massive at the time, especially in comparison to my schoolmate

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Be body Kind...
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Be body Kind...

I wanted to share my own journey with body image and what it means to me, as well as why a healthy relationship with body image is so important for our mental well-being. Here goes...

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Be Outrageous...

This week we have used the word 'outrageous' a lot - in a good way! When we were at the amazing wedding reception of SMASH London regulars Jules and Mark, we saw a lovely little quote on their wedding card. It's from Matilda by Roald Dahl and said -

"Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it.

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This week has been a bit of a rollercoaster of moods for me. I've been up and down like a jack-in-the-box, between feeling absolutely amazing, to really tired and unmotivated. The latter has taken some getting used to because the past few months have been filled with so much excitement and change,

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If any of you saw our Instagram post on Friday you'll know that it was International Calm Day on the 5th April, promoted by the mindfulness app Calm. We have both been using the Calm app for 3 years and, without it, SMASH London wouldn't be what it is today!

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Mindful Minute...

From our chats with some of you this week it seems like many of us are feeling the 'pressure', for one reason or another. Maybe it's the moon, maybe it's because its coming up to the end of the financial year, maybe you have a holiday coming up so need to get things done! Maybe you have no idea what it is but can sense a feeling of overwhelm or anxiety....

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The next stage...

It's March and for the SMASH London team it's always been the month in which the next chapter of SMASH truly begins - ideas are flowing and excitement is rising! With new management there will always be changes but we are ready to adapt, change and continue to give you guys the best SMASH experience that we can

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Blank Pages...

As most of you know, this week was my final week as manager at Fitness First Angel! Thursday was my last day and the Daily Calm (on the Calm app) was all about the stories we tell ourselves in our minds - some that limit us, some that promote us.

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Life imitates box jumps...

I hope your week has been a good one. If it's been a bit stressful make sure you offer yourself some extra self-love this weekend and know that next week has the potential to be amazing!

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Inspired and motivated...

Tomorrow, we (along with a couple of the SMASH crew and a few of the Fitness First Angel trainers) will be running the Olympic Park Half Marathon! – For all except Ash and I, it will be their first half marathon! (Even though Reka has done a full marathon!).

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