'Switching off'...
Hi everyone, Ash here 🌈
I was on holiday last week and I realised something... I need to 'switch off' more often!
I noticed that this particular holiday was the first time in a very, very long time that I actually managed to completely 'switch off' from work. I've said in previous emails that I have a busy mind - it's always racing around from thought to thought! This is why mindfulness has been instrumental in allowing me brief moments of calm in a head that is sometimes chaotic, ambitious and mischievous! However, these moments of calm have always been just that - moments. Don't get me wrong, they have been crucial in strengthening my mental health, and I appreciate them entirely, but my holiday last week showed me I need to have more time where I allow myself to rest, with no pressure, completely and wholly, with no expectation.
The thing is, I didn't actually set out to 'switch off' in the way that I did! I'm extremely lucky to have a business partner in Sam, who was able to take the work load of SMASH and who encouraged me to really enjoy my time away. On the first day of my holiday I found myself thinking of work... and then something happened. I truly let myself go and was totally present on my holiday. I found myself entirely focused on enjoying every moment of it, and didn't allow any doubts or questions to creep in! Normally, I would stress about having too much of a late night but, on this holiday, I was in my element singing and dancing to all my favourite songs - so much so, that I didn't give getting back at 5am a negative or anxious thought! I went to the gym because I wanted to, not because I had to. I ate delicious food and experienced no guilt when I overindulged. I spent quality time with my husband, mostly acting like we did in our early twenties when we first met! I really did have a great time... the whole time 😃
What made this particular holiday so different? Well, I think these emails and the messages we talk about every week with you certainly help - I was practising what I preach! I knew I needed a break from work and life at home, to come back stronger and more determined to be even happier and healthier than I am right now. During my 7 days aways I rarely looked at social media and this is definitely something I will continue to do. I can really see the benefit it has had on my mental health, especially avoiding Instagram stories. I love seeing what people are up to, but I'm nosey by nature so I can sometimes find I'm scrolling forever! Some may manage it better than me, but I know for sure that my week was happier because social media use was much lower than normal. I also kept distance from life at home and this meant minimal texts or calls. I adore my family and friends but this distance really allowed me to enjoy this one week away, where I could be fully present in a different surrounding and appreciate every moment with the people who were with me. There were no interruptions or distractions from life back home and it got me thinking, isn't this how it used to be before we could easily use our mobile phones abroad or tried to get the perfect photo for Instagram?
What does it mean to be truly mindful? To fully 'switch off'?
Last week I strengthened my mental health by being completely mindfuland living in, and for, the moment. My goal is to do this more often, at home or abroad. I'm back, happier and more driven than ever, and am thankful to have the life that I do. 'Switching off' re-charged me and allowed me to be more grateful than I ever was before 💙
Have a wonderful day!
Sam and Ash