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Seasons changing

Yesterday, the 22nd September was officially the first day of Autumn. I've noticed this week especially a lot of friends and clients have been feeling "off"... low energy or slightly ill

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As some of you may be aware, I went back to my home city of Worcester at the weekend to take part in the Worcester 10k race - it was great to have my family out to support me!

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From the bottom of our heart...

We've both been a little ill this week leading up to the race but we are using our affirmations and living for now - no matter our times tomorrow we know we are strong, we are successful and we are in control!

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There is only now, only this...

Everything you do today will have an impact on how you feel, act and react in the future so choose your thoughts and actions wisely. As discussed on Saturday, remember to pause when the opportunity arises and, no matter what kind of day you are having, try to 'look up'.

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In mindfulness we talk about pausing as an opportunity to take a moment to just stop what you are doing, relax, breathe and be calm. Our minds are constantly on the go and it can feel like 'busy busy busy busy busy' is continuously flowing through our brains, convincing us that we don't have the time to stop and reset....

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Happy Thursday!

A couple of the things that I've personally struggled with a few years ago, have been with my alcohol consumption and my eating habits; both of which I have been able to overcome by taking one day at a time.

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No Day but Today!

Mindfulness is very much about focusing on the present moment and what you have control of right now, so throughout September we will be talking a lot about how we can all be more mindful about not dwelling on the past or worrying too much about the future.

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Here we are at the end of August and SMASH is already 2 months old! In fact, we are soon going to be approaching the end of the 12 week "trial" period we set ourselves as, although we believed in the SMASH concept, we weren't entirely sure how it would be received.

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I am in Control

As I've mentioned previously; I used to have a problem with alcohol as well as being a big binge eater and it was explained to me that one of the reasons I did this to myself was that no matter what was going on; these habits were my own - they were my addictions and nobody elses.

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Successful Saturday

The weekend is always a great opportunity to do a little review on how successful your week has been. What worked well for you? Was there anything that tested you in any way that you had to work extra hard at to overcome? Did you achieve your fitness goals? 

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I am successful

We hope you are enjoying your week and the rain isn't causing you too many problems. Remember, as one of our posts on Instagram said recently, you don't get a rainbow without some rain ;)

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I am strong

Our week has been very fitness focused (even more so than normally!) because of the launch of Fit Brit 2017 in club, so we have had to use our positive affirmation of 'I am strong' to keep us focused and energised! In pairs, both of us have completed the workout…TWICE!

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You are STRONG

The start of a new month brings the opportunity to create some new goals and a new focus. We are doing meat free Monday throughout August. What can you challenge yourself to do?

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A Thankful Weekend

Today I want to talk about something quite personal that I am especially grateful for…

This week marked the 50th anniversary that homosexuality was decriminalised in the UK.

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Wednesday Gratitude
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Wednesday Gratitude

Today happens to be the day 15 years ago I moved away from my "home" town of Manchester. I've mentioned before that I suffered depression as a teenager and a lot of this wasn't helped by the people I called my friends at the time

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SMASH your Saturday

Today we are attending the wedding of one of our favourite colleagues along with some of our other friends and workmates. It makes us realise how thankful we are to be working with some amazing people and to get the chance to spend some social time with them.

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