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A few months ago I told you about how I moved to London in September 2002 when I was 19 years old. Coming from a small town in the West Midlands, this was daunting and scary and exciting all at the same time and I felt like I was constantly filled with a nervous energy.

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Challenge yourself...

Now is a great time to reflect on the month and recognise the achievements and progress you have made. Why not take 5 minutes out of your day to list every way you felt you pushed past barriers and stretched your comfort zone in November.

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Make a list (check it twice)

We are entering the final week of November and so the last few days of our “no limits” focus. Have you pushed your limits this month? Have you stepped across any boundaries to get somewhere you haven’t been before (more mentally as opposed to physically!).

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Reclaim your inner child...

Monday was international children's day - if you came to our SMASH class at lunchtime in particular you will know we had a lot of fun, and turned it into a bit of a playground (where of course my team won the tug of war!!).

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Ups, downs and everything in between...

How are you feeling today? Maybe you have an automatic response to that question - "Fine", "Great", "Glad it's the weekend!" - but how are you really feeling? Not sure? Take 5 minutes now to do some mindful breathing exercises and you may find the answer to that question becomes a bit clearer.

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The tiniest of change

Sam and I have tried to push the limits in all of our SMASH classes this month, even more so than normal, because we know from the energy and strength that we witness every week just what you are capable of  And you have certainly delivered!

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Back when I was a 17/18-year-old northerner, me and my "friends" would go out every weekend into Manchester city centre and it would always always end in drama....

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Are you comfortable?!

I have many many stories about getting out of my comfort zone, but I’ll try to reign it in a little and tell you a little more specifically about my fitness journey.

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Learn and Grow and Develop...

At the beginning of this year I was presented with the opportunity to gain a qualification in personal training. After 11 years in the fitness industry I had gained many qualifications, including level 2 fitness instruction and spin instruction, but I had never attempted my level 3 personal training because, if I am being completely honest, I feel like I don't have the patience for studying...  

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3600 seconds...
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3600 seconds...

More recently we have given thought to the people in our lives, from those who have supported us and been by our side when we needed them most, to those who we are no longer in touch with or able to speak to but still recognise the impact they have had on us and the part they have played in our journey to where we find ourselves today

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Positive mind

Hopefully you all felt like you achieved something during Monday's sessions - in body, but also in mind! We hear it often but the power of the mind is an incredible thing and it is up to us to train it to make us stronger. In both classes every single one of you hit a personal best at some point and this was achieved through determination, belief and an attitude of 'I can do this... and I will do this'.

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People come and go

This week in particular we have been talking a lot about being thankful for the people in your past that have helped and supported you to get you to where you are today. It may be that the person isn't around anymore, or just isn't in your life. 

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As some of you are aware, both of us practise mindfulness each day - often for just 10 minutes - and this week Sam hit 365 days in a row of meditating!

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Mindful Food

We have been having some amazing feedback from you guys and have been so impressed with your efforts! Hearing your stories about how being thankful has helped you in various situations this week, reaffirms for us that what we are aiming to do with SMASH is worth it! So for that, we ourselves are thankful

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3 things...
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3 things...

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, a day to remind us that one in four people will suffer from mental health conditions in their lifetime so this is not something that we should shy away from talking about.

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This week a member asked how we can be so positive and happy all the time, so we replied honestly - we aren't (sorry!). Just like you and everyone else, we also have moments and days where work is manic, our minds are all over the place and people (including loved ones!) grate on us! Why?

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Myself and Ash both ran the Cardiff half marathon this Sunday. For Ash it was his first ever half marathon and he smashed it! With such a good time he's feeling very pleased with himself, and should be! For me, it was my 13th half marathon...

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The best that you can be...

What can you do today to ensure your Saturday is exactly what you need it to be? Do you need to rest? Exercise? Catch up with family or friends? Surprise your partner with dinner or a day out? Meditate?

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